Hysteraectomia is a one man gorenoise project and
it is one of the famous figures on the Russian
Gorenoise and HarshGorenoise scene..
And now/here you can see/listen new album of this
project which has the name "Necrogore Sodomy"
33 HarshGorenoise tracks, 3 brutal coverarts and
333 tons of gore, guts and so hearty noise//
Artist: Hysteraectomia
Album: Necrogore Sodomy
Catalog: jni047
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Year: 2011
Style: Harsh GoreNoise
01_Introblastoma (01:23)
02_Forced To Vivisection (01:19)
03_Necrogastrostomy (01:41)
04_Ruptured Intestune Victims Of Industrial Machinery (00:44)
05_Apocalyptic Gore Holocaust (00:53)
06_Vomit Smeared Over The Genitals (01:12)
07_Cystoenterocele (01:04)
08_Multiple Uterine Myoma With Submucous And Interstital Localization Of Nodes (01:23)
09_Asphyxiation From Overflowing Throat Vomit (01:59)
10_Gonocytoma (00:36)
11_Endless Torture By Wire Chainsaw (01:45)
12_Dripping Pus Boils In The Groin (01:25)
13_Regurgitated Bunch Of Ascaris (01:13)
14_Vulva With Black Mildew (01:53)
15_Worms Penetrated Into The Esophagus (01:40)
16_Pubic Molluscs (00:27)
17_Malignant Scrotal Abscess (01:25)
18_Cod Putridity (00:09)
19_Sapraemia (01:13)
20_Hellish Coprophagous (00:15)
21_Sepulchral Masturbation (01:11)
22_Hydranencephalus (02:05)
23_Genetic Mutation Genitals In Infants (00:56)
24_Menstrual Fluids Is Full Of Maggots (00:37)
25_Lavage Of The Abdominal Cavity Of Sulfuric Acid (00:55)
26_Mycotic Vulvovaginitis (01:10)
27_Pyemesis (00:26)
28_Dead Embryos Can Be Expanded In The Womb (01:56)
29_Fatal Outcome Because Of Unsuccessful Vasectomy (00:41)
30_Captain Fecal (00:15)
31_Harshit (03:42)
32_Jejunogastric Invagination (01:04)
33_Outrophobia (06:29)
Sampler HERE